Vous avez besoin d’aide pour adopter de meilleures habitudes alimentaires? Consultez notre liste de diététistes et de professionnels de la santé pour obtenir du soutien. Les diététistes peuvent vous fournir des conseils personnalisés pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en matière de nutrition. Que ce soit pour la planification des repas, la gestion d’un trouble de santé ou la saine alimentation malgré un budget serré, les diététistes peuvent vous aider.

Certified Fertility and Prenatal Dietitian
Phone:(226) 224-1543
Location:Priceville, Ontario


I help couples nourish their bodies for optimal egg and sperm health, which as a result improves their chances of conceiving and realizing their dream of starting a family! My approach is compassionate and evidenced based. If you have a primary care provider, I will work with them to request blood work to ensure your nutrient stores are optimized. I will complete a thorough nutritional assessment looking at your current food intake, supplementation, bloodwork and genetic testing. My food and supplement recommendations are practical keeping in mind your food skills, time available for meal preparation, food allergies/intolerances and food preferences. I offer virtual or telephone appointments to clients living all over Ontario.


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