Vous avez besoin d’aide pour adopter de meilleures habitudes alimentaires? Consultez notre liste de diététistes et de professionnels de la santé pour obtenir du soutien. Les diététistes peuvent vous fournir des conseils personnalisés pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en matière de nutrition. Que ce soit pour la planification des repas, la gestion d’un trouble de santé ou la saine alimentation malgré un budget serré, les diététistes peuvent vous aider.

Libra Nutrition – Amy Yiu

Registered Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator
Phone:(778) 742-5066
Location:Richmond, British Columbia


Amy is a Registered Dietitian, Nutrition Counsellor, Certified Diabetes Educator, speaker and author. She is the founder of Libra Nutrition and at any time leads a team of over a dozen student volunteers in a variety of nutrition education projects for the community, grocery industry and non-profit sector. She and her team have published over 500 nutrition-related articles in multiple Asian magazines and national newspapers including Ming Pao, Foodoir, Voices Weekly and Today Commercial News. She co-authored Dietitians at Home, a cookbook for the whole family with easy and nutritious Asian-inspired recipes and is currently writing her second book. She is a regular Chinese TV and radio talk show guest expert on nutrition for programs such as OMNI Television and AM1470 in Vancouver. She has proudly served as the spokesperson for the Dietitians of Canada National Nutrition Month campaigns in British Columbia for close to a decade. Amy is a recipient of the Leadership Award by the Dietitians of Canada to recognize her contributions to the profession and the community. In 2023, Amy was recognized as one of the Top 10 Dietitians by Today’s Dietitians magazine. In 2024, she received the UBC LFS Hall of Fame Alumni award. Over the past decade, she has conducted over 200 in-person and virtual community workshops and touched the lives of over 20,000 people who have attended. She passionately continues to expand her skills as a virtual presenter offering virtual nutrition workshops for organizations and non-profits. Amy is registered with the College of Dietitians of British Columbia and Dietitians of Canada.


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