Vous avez besoin d’aide pour adopter de meilleures habitudes alimentaires? Consultez notre liste de diététistes et de professionnels de la santé pour obtenir du soutien. Les diététistes peuvent vous fournir des conseils personnalisés pour vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en matière de nutrition. Que ce soit pour la planification des repas, la gestion d’un trouble de santé ou la saine alimentation malgré un budget serré, les diététistes peuvent vous aider.

The University Of Ottawa

Assistant Professor
Phone:(613) 562-5800
Location:Ottawa, Ontario


Dr. Tugault-Lafleur’s research program emphasizes healthy eating in children and youth and is shaped by her background as a registered dietitian, fusing methods and theory from nutrition education, public health, behavioural and implementation sciences. Her doctoral research focused on characterizing the dietary quality of Canadian children on school days and identifying factors associated with nutritional outcomes among children and youth using nationally representative dietary survey data. After her doctoral degree, professor Tugault-Lafleur completed a CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship at the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute in Vancouver. Dr. Tugault-Lafleur’s current research seeks to better understand children’s nutrition and physical activity environments, and how they are linked with eating and physical activity behaviours. She also has a strong policy interest in better designing and evaluating interventions to prevent and manage chronic conditions and promote optimal health outcomes for the Canadian population. She is a Registered Dietitian (R.D.) with the College of Dietitians of Ontario, and a member of the Canadian Nutrition Society, Dietitians of Canada, and the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.


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