Ever thought, “Gee, I should eat more veggies, but I have no time!,” or “I have no clue how to cook a squash, I’ll just stick with salad” ? Then Half Your Plate was developed for you! We get that more Canadians need to eat fruits and veggies. In fact, a recent study showed that less and less Canadians are getting the minimum amount (5 servings) of fruit and vegetables every day.  Statistics Canada reported that in 2011 only 40.4% of Canadians aged 12 and older consumed fruit and vegetables five or more times per day.  Consumption rose gradually from 2001-2009, where it peaked at 45.6% of the population reaching the level of five or more daily servings, but it has been on the decline since then.


We want to show you how easy it is to incorporate fruits and veggies into every meal. From filling grab ‘n go items to healthier dinners, you are just one step away! Half Your Plate will provide you with the tips, tricks, and recipes – all you have to do is cook! We’ll also give you smart shopping tips, holiday tips, back to school lunch tips, and more! Curious about a fruit or vegetable? Ask us! We’ll give you the top ten ways to cook it. Wondering how to get creative in the kitchen? Check out our recipes or ask us for a suggestion! We’re here to help Canadians find easy, budget-friendly ways to fill half of their plate with fruits and veggies at every meal and snack.

We can all aim to eat more fruits and veggies, and it’s simple! Just fill half your plate with fruits and veggies at every meal! You can also follow us on Pinterest, facebook and Twitter for up to the minute content.


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